We moved today from Marrakech 300 miles north to our last port of call in Morocco. The campsite is by a lagoon that connects with the sea at the village of Moulay Bousselham, where there is a fine sandy beach. The village takes its’ name from a 10th century holy man and is a place of pilgrimage as well as being a weekend resort favoured by wealthier Moroccans.

We did, by the way, solve the mystery of the half-finished buildings, mostly dwellings. It seems that Moroccans typically build their own houses by saving up and doing it a bit at a time, and it might take 10 or 15 years to complete. They don’t have a mortgage system as borrowing and interest are frowned on for religious reasons.

Had to include this last shot of an unfinished house, only to show the scaffolding system generally used. They obviously need to get through this stage of construction fairly quickly, at least before woodworm sets in!
Thanks, Morocco, it was wonderful!