Anything unusual in the scene below? Yes, it’s been photo enhanced by the computer, to bring out the blue spectrum, but that’s not what I’m looking at. It’s the shape on the left, half way up: a submarine. The Spanish Mediterranean fleet is based in Cartagena 15 miles away, so it’s not come far. Shortly afterwards the sub dived, then resurfaced, turned and headed back to Cartagena just in time for lunch. Spain is clearly banking on fighting only gentlemanly wars with civilised rules and proper meal breaks.

This is a pretty view from one of our walks. However, the point of interest is the white stone pillar on the left, mid-photo. These pillars are to be found around the whole coast of Spain and mark the shore limits, inside which building is not allowed. Locally there are a few places where structures have been erected within the shore limits and these may well have had local permission of sorts, but now a hard line is being taken with the object of demolition.