This is a fine weather walk we have only carried out once before, many years ago. We started at Santa Elena tower on a headland three miles opposite the campsite, hopefully visible in the following longshot photo.
The tower was a watchtower to spot pirates that roamed the
Med many years ago. It’s quite sturdy, with the entrance 20 feet off the ground
for extra security. Not a popular chap if you forgot the ladder!
This is where you’d end up if you slipped on the stringy
grass, lethal in the wet but navigable with care today.
It’s barely a donkey track but is part of walking trail
GR92. Usually these are well marked with paint stripes on adjacent rocks to
confirm the path, but nothing much here. Some of the scrambles are becoming
steeper and covered in looses scree so easy to skid on.
A surprise looking down at the next rocky bay: what appears
to be the remains of a dwelling. A beautiful, quiet location – you could maybe
live on fish, but what about the weekly bin collection.
The path then turned inland, away from the precipitous plummets
to the sea, but time for a quick atmospheric seascape photo before we turn
The transmitter masts are at the highest point but we headed
for the saddle to the left where the path drops back down to civilisation.
Here’s the view from the saddle before heading down. It was still careful going on the track, but gravity was helping now so we were back in time for lunch.