The maps are back in favour! We used them to plan a walk along a mountain footpath which gave us spectacular views over the dried river bed (rambla) below. The path was originally a single track dirt road but has fallen into disrepair from rain damage and undergrowth. There are several ruined dwellings dotted around the mountains which the road was evidently built to serve. It was totally quiet, apart from the birds, of which we saw crested lark, tawny owl, red-legged partridge, serrin, Sardinian warbler and a stonechat shrike, the latter being a first sighting for us.
Back on the site, Bob & Mavis, the tandem cyclists, are coming up with more amazing facts. Bob was explaining, as he knows about these things, about a chap who built a world-class racing bike out of a washing machine! I asked whether he was planning to similarly construct a tandem, for which he would, of course, need a twin-tub!
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