Jan 9th. Left Alconbury in freezing conditions. Temperature first night in French motorway services near Le Mans dropped to –7 degrees (-4 inside the caravan following morning). Arrived mid-day Sat at the house: central heating full on & woodburner lit straight away.
Jan 14th- We’ve sold the house, we think! Now lots to do. However, we’re still proceeding with the holiday and have given our agent Power of Attorney to sign final documents should we get that far.
Our neighbour Paul has a friend Gerard. Chatting with them, Gerard became animated when he realised we were soon going to Morocco. Searching in his wallet, he scribbled an address on a piece of paper and handed it to us. “I once worked with a Moroccan, from Tiznit. You look him up, and tell him Gerard sent you”. Tiznit’s about the size of Huntingdon, somewhere down south in the desert. Yes, Gerard.
Jan 20th. Off tomorrow, but a.m. noticed a flat tyre on the caravan. PANIC as they don’t sell UK caravan tyres in France. Great relief: it proved to be a split valve which the local tyre depot refitted at no charge!

Jan 21st . En route: stopped for lunch at motorway rest aire, 50 miles north of Bordeaux. Unbelievably, this was also the location of a large outdoor exhibition of Romanesque carving, taken (pirated?) from local churches. See photo, the main exhibition is through the arch. We were enthralled by the skill of the 11/12th century stonecarvers. Rarther like finding a Constable exhibition in a layby on the A14.
Jan 22nd. Driving in rain & mist all day. Tonight (only) staying at Campsite Monfrague, south of Salamanca. Monfrague Natural Park has a vulture breeding programme, but we’ll need to see that another time. Next day arrrive Tarifa, most southerly point on the European landmass.
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