There are still a few fishermen left. Here they winch the boats up a steep concrete ramp safe from the pounding seas. In the huts behind we saw much activity with nets being cleaned and stored away. Notice the small rock stack on the shore. It has been much undercut by the waves and will one day topple over in a storm or perhaps from a concerted heave-ho by the lager lads.

Vilamora marina is the largest in Portugal, where the trappings of wealth are to be displayed in the form of luxury yachts. This is one of the many sleek cruisers in the harbour, and appears to be made out of the same shiny silver material as must-have expensive upright fridge/freezers. The boat presumably comes equipped with a crushed ice button as part of the bridge controls.

This unusual plaque was fixed to the wall outside a bar, the Antiquities Bar, in the old port of Albufeira. I can’t decide if the crusader has had a heavy night at this very bar or is just plain seasick from a rough voyage back from the Holy Land!
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