I suppose any comparison with Switzerland raises high hopes- impossibly high hopes. However, the scenery was impressive, with more rocky crags and steep valleys than in other parts of Normandy. The Suisse Normande area mainly follows the river Orne and the photo below gives a typical lovely view, with the Orne centrestage.

Strolling around in Clecy, near where the above photo was taken, we came across an unusual use for ex-WW2 ordnance- as electric fence supports (the rings welded on the side hold the wire). That’s me looking shell-shocked. The battle swung inland after D-Day and the whole of Normandy saw fierce fighting: it’s heartening to know that some expended armaments were put to good use!

It was good to see lots of outdoor recreational activities provided, particularly for youngsters. We saw several parties of young canoeists on the Orne, and these below were having great fun playing a kind of canoe basketball that seemed to exercise their skills at manoeuvring the craft as well as all getting soaked.

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