Just a reminder that Health & Safety is paramount in Morocco. This unfenced square hole was a permanent feature in Aourir (aka Banana Village), and the interesting point is that it was purpose built, right in the middle of a busy pavement. It was about 3 feet deep, so a nasty fall was the reward of strolling along inattentively. Could this have been its purpose, to gee up people’s general awareness? Further, could we benefit in the UK from importing these Moroccan holes to make us more self-aware and responsible for our own safety!

Eat here at your peril. The clue is in the name.

Visitors like us who bring their own vehicles to Morocco are rightly concerned about breakdowns. This is an example of the cavalry and certainly looks man enough for the job. Suspicion is that the breakdown recovery might be somewhat too robust: fingers crossed we won’t need to find out.

And finally, a last view of the shoreline outside the campsite: we will be leaving in a few days. It has been a delightful setting and most relaxing: a highly recommended location.
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