Sunday 24 March 2019

A Stiff Walk

We have just arrived and bump into Jan our walking group leader. He says his last organised walk of the season is in two days’ time, in the Espuna National Park. It’s the toughest walk we do, so we’re in at the deep end!

Espuna is a good hour away from the campsite, and the group arrives at the starting point around 11.30 am, having stopped for coffee on the way. We are at 2,650 feet and start the route,  heading ever upwards.

We are in the tail-end Charley group. Should have broken in my brand new boots with something less strenuous. The weather and scenery are delightful although the ascent is on narrow, steep and rough paths most of the time.
After two hours continuous climbing we are approaching the highest point, just over 4,000 feet.
The views now are far reaching with some distant, hazy, snowy peaks. The near rocks fall away quite steeply.
The trail down is longer but easier in both gradient and path surface. It’s also more forested so with less views.

After the walk we are booked in for a 3:00 pm lunch at a local restaurant. This is by no means late for Spain. The menu del dia, a set lunch menu @ 11 euros per head (£9.50), consists of these courses: salad, starter, main course, sweet, coffee, with beer, wine and water to drink with the meal. Baskets of fresh bread are provided. White table cloths. Generous portions. How can they possibly do it for that price?

An excellent walk notwithstanding the blister from my new boots. It was interesting to note a few days later the weather turned colder with some rain, which the weather forecast declared would fall as snow above 4,000 feet- the top elevation we reached on the walk.

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